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2 Mediators in montclair

Nicholas De Metro,  Esq., APM

Nicholas De Metro, Esq., APM

Certified Senior MediatorThis mediator has at least 100 hours of mediation training, 500 hours of mediation experience, agrees to take part in at least 12 hours per year of continuing mediation education, and subscribes to's required standards of mediation practice.
Montclair Divorce Mediation provides divorce mediation to New Jersey couples who are facing the prospect of divorce. Mr. De Metro understands how stressful the divorce process is to you and your spouse and to your family, especially the children. One of his main goals is to make the divorce process…
Montclair, New Jersey
F. Peter Phillips

F. Peter Phillips

Senior MediatorThis mediator has at least 100 hours of mediation training, 500 hours of mediation experience, agrees to take part in at least 12 hours per year of continuing mediation education, and subscribes to's required standards of mediation practice.
Arbitrator, mediator, teacher and consultant practicing through Business Conflict Management LLC in Montclair, New Jersey. Serving New York metropolitan area and New Jersey. Former Senior Vice President of the CPR Institute in New York City. Experienced commercial mediator. Director of ADR Skills Program and Distinguished Adjunct Professor at New York…
Montclair, New Jersey