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2 Mediators in san rafael

Paula Lawhon

Paula Lawhon

Senior MediatorThis mediator has at least 100 hours of mediation training, 500 hours of mediation experience, agrees to take part in at least 12 hours per year of continuing mediation education, and subscribes to's required standards of mediation practice.
I am a full-time Family Law Mediator and Certified Specialist in Family Law. Our Family Law Mediation Team works with families to focus on creative solutions and enforceable agreements. In divorce cases, we initiate the court case, prepare financial disclosures, draft the formal Marital Settlement Agreement, and submit the final…
San Rafael, California
Philip Diamond

Philip Diamond

Senior MediatorThis mediator has at least 100 hours of mediation training, 500 hours of mediation experience, agrees to take part in at least 12 hours per year of continuing mediation education, and subscribes to's required standards of mediation practice.
I mediate in all areas of civil litigation (other than divorce), including (without limitation) real estate, construction, bodily injury (including product liability, premises liability, toxic tort, and general tort claims), employment, business and commercial, probate and trust, securities and investor fraud, distressed property and loan work-outs, insurance coverage and bad…
San Rafael, California