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John Cabral

John Cabral's mediation training has been with the Chicago Center for Conflict Resolution, Dominic Barter, John Kinyon, and Lee Jay Berman.  He has trained directly with Marshall B. Rosenberg, the founder of Nonviolent Communication.  His favorite mediation authors are Liv Larsson, Ike Lassiter, William Ury, Roger Fisher, Bernard Mayer, Kenneth Cloke, Lawrence Susskind, and Doug Nolls.
In addition to private mediation work, John presently does foreclosure mediation sessions for the Center for Conflict Resolution in the Chancery Division of Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, and he also mediates child visitation disputes for another division of this Court.  He practices in Oak Park, Illinois and the west Chicago suburbs and the Loop, and throughout the metro area and the United States via telephone mediation. He specializes in disputes in condo associations, family owned businesses, banks and homeowners in foreclosure proceedings, and separated couples with parenting time problems.
