In this ICODR Member Meeting Bob Bergman shows off the latest AI features in his platform
“Founded in 2017, NextLevel™ Mediation is a privately-held Decision Science-based software as a Service (SaaS) company. NLM’s powerful DS application takes participants down a clear path from the emotional to critical thinking. NLM’s application aids clients in making more informed and logic-based decisions in the context of litigation, mediation and ADR. In the context of ODR, our application is a necessary tool in assuring that all parties true priorities are clearly understood.”
Judge Alexander Williams' retirement from the bench and entry into private neutral practice with ADR Services is good news for the legal community. I co-mediated dozens of cases with the...
By Victoria PynchonI allowed myself to get into a contest of wills the other day. Reflecting on it afterward, I recalled this tale of a radio conversation between U.S. and Canadian naval...
By Tammy is proud to announce our: ADR Process & Professional Selection Tool The ADR Process & Professional Selection Tool allows users of dispute resolution services to propose an ADR process...
By Staff