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Make Money Mediating Podcast #518 – 10 Tactics Guaranteed to Make You a Great Public Speaker

Unlock the power of your voice and elevate your impact as a mediator—today. Susan Guthrie reveals 10 game-changing tactics that will transform you into a confident and captivating public speaker.

This episode delves into an essential skill for mediators and professionals alike—public speaking. Whether you’re addressing a conference, leading a workshop, or presenting in a meeting, strong speaking skills can set you apart. You’ll hear 10 effective tactics that can help you become a more confident and impactful speaker.

Here are just some of the strategies you’ll hear about: 

  • Start with a Strong Opening: Capture attention within the first 30 seconds with a compelling story or surprising fact.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Turn your speech into a conversation by asking questions or conducting polls.
  • Control Your Body Language: Use purposeful gestures, maintain good posture, and make eye contact to enhance your message.
  • Manage Nervousness: Focus on your message and audience rather than your nerves, and practice techniques like deep breathing.
  • Seek Feedback: After your presentation, ask for constructive feedback to continue improving your speaking skills.

Tune into the full episode to hear all 10 tactics to help you become a great public speaker. 

Public speaking is a journey, and improvement comes with practice. Remember, your voice is powerful—keep engaging, practicing, and believing in yourself!


Susan Guthrie

Susan Guthrie, nationally recognized as one of the Top Family Law and Mediation Attorneys in the country, has been helping individuals and families navigate separation and divorce for more than 30 years. Susan provides legal coaching services to select clients around the world.   Susan recently partnered with legal and mediation legend, Forrest… MORE

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