English Supreme Court decides approach to determining governing law of arbitration agreementOn 9 October 2020, the English Supreme Court handed down its judgment in Enka Insaat Ve Sanayi AS v OOO Insurance Company Chubb [2020] UKSC 38, which is likely to become the leading English law authority on the applicable principles relating to determining the proper law of an arbitration agreement and the role of the courts of the seat in granting anti-suit relief.
Read the complete story here.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvVjpc5xMRk With the United States mid-term election coming up, I've been thinking quite a bit about political polarization and what we in the mediation field can do about it. You...
By Bob BordoneThe President and Congress have engaged in bad bargaining practices. They have said and done things that create obstacles to reaching agreement on a wall and the shutdown. As a...
By Joshua JavitsIn 1964 two University of Chicago social scientists conducted an experiment at the Art Institute of Chicago. They invited a group of students to select from among random objects set...
By Tammy Lenski