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A Is For Asshole: The Grownup’s ABCs Of Conflict Resolution” By Victoria Pynchon

From Pattie Porter’s Texas Conflict Coach Blog

Victoria Pynchon’s new book is an adult primer on the difficult art of resolving, transforming or transcending conflict in your home, your workplace, your community, your state, your nation and your world. Victoria is an attorney who traded in her boxing gloves for the softer but no less difficult skills of helping lawyers and their business clients resolve their commercial disputes. Now she brings the wisdom of the courtroom and the mediation room to everyday conflicts and the difficult people in your life. Victoria mediates commercial disputes with ADR Services, Inc. in Century City, arbitrates business disputes for the American Arbitration Association and teaches women when and how to negotiate with her business partner Lisa Gates at

Join us as we talk with Victoria Pynchon, attorney-mediator and arbitrator who spent the first 25 years of her legal career litigating and trying business disputes for her clients. She now mediates and arbitrates those same disputes, helping business people resolve their conflicts as effectively and expeditiously as possible. Her book, A is for Asshole, the Grownups’ ABCs of Conflict Resolution is an adult primer on resolving conflict and negotiating resolution.


Patricia Porter

Patricia "Pattie" Porter, LCSW, ACC, is the Founder and President of Conflict Connections, Inc. in San Antonio, TX. She provides workplace conflict resolution services including conflict management and abrasive behavior coaching, EEO and workplace mediation, change management and team facilitation, and training throughout the U.S. She is the Founder of… MORE >

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