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Ayelet Sela

Ayelet Sela is the Civil Justice and Innovation Fellow at the Deborah L. Rhode Center on the Legal Profession at Stanford Law School. She is also a lecturer (assistant professor) at the Faculty of Law in Bar Ilan University (currently on sabbatical). Dr. Sela’s scholarship and teaching revolve around dispute system design, law and technology, courts, and empirical legal studies. Her recent academic work focuses on procedural design, procedural justice and access to justice in online courts and tribunals as well as in hybrid (remote) proceedings. She is particularly interested in exploring how the justice system can best serve self-represented individuals in these contexts. In addition, Dr. Sela collaborates with data scientists on the application of machine learning methods to legal data and studies questions related to the use of AI tools in governance mechanisms and judicial contexts.

Previously, Dr. Sela was a senior fellow of the Jean Monett Center on Digital Governance, a founding member of the BIU LawData Lab, and a member of the Bar-Ilan University Data Science Institute. She also clerked for the Honorable Justice Eliezer Rivlin in the Israeli Supreme Court and worked as an auditor for the Israeli Ministry of Justice. Dr. Sela holds a JSD and JSM from Stanford Law School and an LL.B and “Amirim” Honors Program diploma from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
