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Brandyn Roark Caires
Brandyn Roark Caires

Brandyn Roark Caires

Brandyn Roark Caires- Brandyn Roark Caires is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Therapist. She has worked in the mental health field for over 19 years and specializes in supporting children, adolescents and families in her clinical practice. Over 80% of her practice is focused on supporting children and adolescents with two homes, and parents who are parenting from two homes.

Brandyn is a trained mediator and an Accredited Practitioner in the Collaborative Divorce Process – as a mental health neutral. Her work in supporting families - as they adjust through separation, divorce, and restructuring their lives – is driven by her belief that children can thrive through life’s hurdles – when provided the right tools, and when they are insulated from chronic adult conflict.

Brandyn’s clinical practice provides support for children and adolescents with mild to severe mental health challenges. She also provides parent coaching and family systems work. Brandyn is passionate about collaborating with other practitioners to meet the needs of her patients and build robust support around them. She is passionate about working closely with mediators and attorneys - she is constantly working on creating bridges between mental health and family law - in order to best serve families and children.
