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Danielle Hutchinson
Danielle Hutchinson

Danielle Hutchinson

Danielle Hutchinson is the co-founder of Resolution Resources. Along with Emma-May Litchfield, she was a designer and analyst for The Global Pound Conference Series 2016-17 (GPC). Together they have authored nine reports on the GPC, including the GPC North America Report, commissioned by the International Mediation Institute (IMI) with the support of the American Arbitration Association (AAA) and the International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR). Danielle is a lawyer, mediator and academic with special interests in cross-disciplinary approaches to DR and neurodiversity inclusive DR. Formerly the ADR Specialist for the Victorian Government, Danielle designed and successfully trialled a new diagnostic tool which matched party’s DR goals and the context of the dispute, to the best fitting DR process available. This platform known as the Triage, Resourcing and Modality Matrix (TRAMM) has now been revised and expanded as MyDRHub, and represents the first time that the GPC data has been used to inform a major innovation in DR.
