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Elizabeth Bader

A lawyer, mediator, conflict resolution coach and teacher, Elizabeth Bader holds a certificate awarded after more than 200 hours of training on trauma. She attempts to reduce the stress parties in conflict experience by emphasizing respect and compassion but also realism and objectivity. 
Elizabeth has successfully mediated a variety of cases, including multi-party litigation with national implications.   Over the course of her 30-year career as a lawyer, she litigated cases before the California Supreme Court, the Ninth Circuit and many other courts. She understands the way the legal system works --- and doesn’t work.  This can be important in many cases.  Her name appears on approximately 15 precedent-setting opinions.  
Elizabeth is widely known, both here and abroad, for her award-winning insights into the psychology of conflict resolution.  She has been a presenter/trainer for many bar associations and legal groups, and for therapist groups as well.  In Europe, her work is used to help train the trainers of intercultural mediators.
