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Marie-Camille Pitton
Marie-Camille Pitton

Marie-Camille Pitton

Dr. Marie-Camille Pitton is an attorney registered in France and in New York, with over a decade of experience in the field of International arbitration. Since September 2021, she is acting as Secretary-General of the “CARO Centre”, which is a Centre for arbitration and mediation located in Guadeloupe (French West Indies). The CARO Centre offers ADR services
over an area covering 33 Caribbean States and territories, with some “tailor-made” solutions to support the region’s sustainable development.
Led by the Guadeloupe Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the ACP Legal association, the CARO Centre benefits from European Union development funds. Its creation is part of the operational phase of the “OHADAC” project (Organization for the Harmonization of Business
Law in the Caribbean).

Prior to holding her current position, Marie-Camille practiced in the International arbitration department of a major international law firm. She also acted as Counsel at the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce.

Marie-Camille holds a PhD in International and Comparative law from University Paris 1, and she is a graduate of University Paris II, Oxford University (MJur 2001) and Harvard law School (LL.M. 2002).

Articles by Marie-Camille Pitton
