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Tommaso Davi
Tommaso Davi

Tommaso Davi

Tommaso Davi | Founder Neurosive | ESCP EMBA, RIBAI | Neurodivergent
Tommaso founded Neurosive to help profit and non profit organizations to develop neuro-equity through education, digital solutions and strategic consulting so that fair treatments and opportunities  for all can be ensured independently from the variation in individuals brain functioning and dependent behaviors.

He is a researcher on social and digital innovation , he previously  lectured at Harvard Graduate School of Design on relevant topics and he has been lately a participant in the first working group researching trends about the equitable implementation of Generative AI at D^3, (Digital,Data, Design) Institute at Harvard Business School, focusing his research interest on opportunities to apply GenAI to neurodiversity use cases.
He is a published author in corporate and inclusion of diversity magazines about neurodiversity and an internationally renowned activist and advocate for neuro-equity in business and society. He is a graduate of the Executive Master of Business Administration of the ESCP Business School and of the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London.

Articles by Tommaso Davi
