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ICODR Podcast 34: Graham Ross on the 2025 ODR Forum in London April 29-30

In this episode of the ICODR podcast, Ian interviews ODR pioneer Graham Ross about the 2025 ODR Forum he’s hosting in London April 29-30 (more information at

About Graham

Graham is Founder and President of He is a UK lawyer and mediator with over 20 years experience in IT and the law. Graham is the author of legal application software (accounts and time recording) and the founder of LAWTEL, the popular web-based legal information update service.

He co-founded the first ODR service in the UK, WeCanSettle, and designed the blind bidding software at the heart of the system. Graham subsequently founded, for whom he designed their online mediation platform.

Graham speaks regularly at international conferences on the impact of the law on the Internet and e-commerce and on the application of technology to ADR. Graham was host of the 5th International Conference on Online Dispute Resolution held in Liverpool, UK, in 2007. And one key reason for talking with Graham is that he will again be hosting – or co-hosting – the annual ODR Forum (, this time in London in April this year.

Graham has been at the heart of ODR developments, not least through his ongoing commitment to the Board of ICODR and their work on standards for ODR.


Graham Ross

Graham Ross is a UK lawyer and accredited mediator with over 30 years experience in IT and the law. Graham is the leading UK expert in the field of ODR (Online Dispute Resolution). He co-founded the UK's first ODR service, a blind bidding service called We Can Settle in 2000,… MORE >


Ian MacDuff

Ian is Teaching Fellow, Centre for ICT Law at Auckland Law School. He was, until June 2016, Associate Professor of Law and Director of the Dispute Resolution Initiative at Singapore Management University. He previously taught at Victoria University of Wellington for a number of years. He has been a practising… MORE >

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