Find Mediators Near You:’s Mental Health and Mediation Conference is Now Online!

The listservs and chat rooms have been abuzz this week — everyone’s talking about the conference! We had 39 leading speakers from around the world join us to discuss mental health and mediation. The conference participants examined these specific questions:

  • Should mediators consider their parties’ mental health?
  • Should we change our intake forms to ask about accommodations?
  • How can we change our process structure to be more supportive?
  • What is happening in our brains, bodies, personalities, and behaviors when our mental health is in distress?
  • Should we change our mediated agreements?
  • How can we best support ourselves as mediators?

Purchase Recorded Mediation and Mental Health Conference Here

The speakers were phenomenal. We are so grateful to our keynotes: Dr. Temple Grandin (communication and Autism), Jeff Thompson (mental resilience), Dr. Stacey Freedenthal (suicide awareness), Megan Hunter (high conflict behaviors), Jennifer Kresge (neuroscience of conflict), David Hoffman (supporting families) Sarah Peyton (neuroplasticity–the science of happy), Tim Hedeen (redesigning process), and Matt Glowacki (his session was just all around phenomenal).

And, of course, our TED-style 10-minute talks: Dr. Lesley Cook (child psychologist, communicating with children with high needs); Junie Gangle (trauma awareness); Kim Kristensen (somatic awareness); Winter Wheeler (toxic positivity); ADA history awareness and support with Judy Cohen, Dan Berstein, and Lewis Dabney; supporting children and parents (with special needs, history of violence, or marginalized communities) with Don Saposnek, Diana Nadeau (CADRE), Rosy Bucio (SELPA), Dana Curtis, Sarah Goss, Maria Coombes, and Amy Applegate; supporting clients in the workplace, schools, and divorce with Terry Marschall (Mediation Training Institute), Joshua Kerschenbaum, and Cynthia Greer (Lipscomb University). And many others!

This conference is eligible for 20 CLE/CEUs and 3 credits in ethics/elimination of bias.

After purchasing, you will receive access to the course for 6 months, including all of the shared articles, songs/social media/book recommendations, resources (such as MASIC and IPV screening), Jamboard vocabulary, and chat conversations from the conference.

We hope that you will take advantage of this wonderful resource and learn how to even better support your clients and self!

Purchase’s Mediation and Mental Health Conference Here


Clare Fowler

Clare Fowler is Executive Vice-President and Managing Editor at, as well as a mediator and trainer. Clare received her Master's of Dispute Resolution from the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at the Pepperdine University School of Law and her Doctorate in Organizational Leadership, focused on reducing workplace conflicts, from Pepperdine… MORE

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