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Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation’s Golden Age – Table of Contents – Now with Videos & AI Podcasts

Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation’s Future Table of Contents is proud to publish the Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation’s Golden Age” and to offer this convenient Table of Contents for accessing all 25 original “Keys” articles, accompanying videos and now also AI podcasts. Give a listen! We think you will like this additional convenient means of accessing this remarkably valuable content.

Special thanks to Michael Leathes, Manon Schonewille and Clare Fowler for leading this important project!

Remembering Michael Leathes:

From IMI: Michael Leathes Memorial Day – 14 March 2025

9:30-13:30 GMT IMI ADR Seminar (hybrid) – 2.15pm to 5pm Memorial Service – Oxford, United Kingdom and online.

Michael’s Obituary

We invite you to the morning ADR session during which we will honour Michael Leathes’ legacy by engaging in meaningful discussions on key topics that Michael was deeply passionate about. Please see the full program details here.

In Memoriam: Michael Leathes 1948-2024 – Visionary Founder of the International Mediation Institute

More from the International Mediation Institute (IMI):
In Memoriam: Michael Leathes

The Complete Seven Keys is also now available as a PDF.

Also note this new AI Podcast reviewing the Seven Keys project as a whole:

Seven Keys Articles, Videos & Podcasts

Epilogue: Mobilizing Mediatively
By Michael Leathes and Manon Schonewille

Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation’s Golden Age: 
The Introduction
(text and video)

Listen to the new AI Podcast of the Introduction and video:

with Michael Leathes, Nadja Alexander, Lela Love

1st Key-Leadership: Establish Strong, Collaborative, Mediative Leadership (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and videos:

with Kenneth Cloke, Joan Goldsmith, Rosemary Howell, Alan Limbury, Valeri Primo, Jeremy Lack

1st Key-Leadership: The Youth Shall Lead Us (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and videos:

with Aloysius Goh, Sean Lim, Samantha Lek, Megan Tay

1st Key-Leadership: Adopt The Edinburgh Declaration (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with John Sturrock and Tim Hicks

2nd Key-Data: Bring Objective Science to Mediation (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Ava Abramowitz, Kenneth Webb

2nd Key-Data: Run the Global Pound Conference (GPC) Series Every 5-7 Years (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Emma-May Litchfield, Danielle Hutchinson

2nd Key-Data: Develop a Negotiation Index (text)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article:

with Michael Mcilwrath

3rd Key – Education: Teach Mediation as a Core Subject Aligned to Real World Needs (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Barney Jordaan, Deborah Masucci

3rd Key-Education: Ensure the Future Through Mentoring and Practice Programs for New Mediators (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Angela Herberholz, Emma Ewart Keir

3rd Key-Education: Include Learning in Psychology & Brain Science to Enhance Mediator Practice (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Tim Hicks, John Sturrock

3rd Key-Education: Train Mediators to be Culture-wise, not Culture-blind (text)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article:

with Joanna Kalowski

4th Key-Professionalism: Act to Ensure Mediation is Respected as a True Professional Practice (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Pierrick Le Gof

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with John Brand

4th Key-Professionalism: Encourage Mediation and Arbitration Integration (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Mark Appel, Wolf von Klumberg

4th Key-Professionalism: Create a Universal Code of Disclosure (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Ana Gonçalves, Francois Bogacz, Daniel Rainey

5th Key-Technology: Take Advantage of ODR’s Full Potential (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Jeremy Lack, Ana Gonçalves, Daniel Rainey

5th Key-Technology: Embrace and Integrate Relevant New Technologies (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Francois Bogacz, Jeremy Lack

6th Key-Government: Make Mediation a Prerequisite to Civil Litigation (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Manon Schonewille, Leonardo d’Urso, Constantin-Adi Gavrila

6th Key-Government: Sign, Ratify, and Implement the Singapore Convention on Mediation (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with George Lim

6th Key-Government: Actively Support UN Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, & Security (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Alicia Kuin

6th Key-Government: Help Governments Lead Mediation into the Mainstream (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Christian Radu Chereji

7th Key-Usage: Invest to Generate Instinctive User Recognition and Demand (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Felicity Steadman

7th Key-Usage: Expand the Value of Mediation Into Deal-Making (text and video)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article and video:

with Veronique Fraser, Joan Stearns Johnsen

7th Key-Usage: Forge a User-driven Vision for Mediation; Then Fund It (text)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article:

with Michael Leathes

The Seven Keys Conclusion: Many Paths, One Way (text)

Listen to the AI Podcast of this article:

with Joanna Kalowski

Notes Regarding Re-publication:

The authors of this work permit re-publication in any printed and/or electronic form, in whole or as an extract, on the understanding that:

1. re-publication will follow first publication of the work in; and

2. a prominent attribution will be added that indicates the title and the date on which this complete work was first published by; and

3. the biographies of the authors are included unchanged; and

4. the intended date, the extent of re-publication (in whole or as an extract) and the name of the publication are notified to the relevant authors at least 7 days in advance by sending a single message to: [email protected]; and

5. this Permission to re-publish is included; and

6. all endnotes are included; and

7. no changes are made to the re-published text without the prior approval of the authors, confirmed by them by email.


Michael Leathes

Michael Leathes is a former in-house counsel and in that capacity a frequent user of mediation services. After retiring in 2007, Michael helped establish the International Mediation Institute (IMI) as a charitable institution and served in a pro bono capacity as the first Executive Director of the IMI. He stepped… MORE >


Manon Schonewille

Manon Schonewille is a highly experienced business mediator since 1996, IMI Certified Mediator and IMI Certified Mediation Advocate | Advisor, MfN register mediator, as well as founding partner at LEGAL REBEL Mediation & Negotiation office in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. In addition, she is the founder of dispute resolution, deal making… MORE >


Clare Fowler

Clare Fowler is Executive Vice-President and Managing Editor at, as well as a mediator and trainer. Clare received her Master's of Dispute Resolution from the Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution at the Pepperdine University School of Law and her Doctorate in Organizational Leadership, focused on reducing workplace conflicts, from Pepperdine… MORE >


James (Jim) Melamed

Jim Melamed co-founded in 1996 along with John Helie and served as CEO of through June 2020 (25 years).  Jim is currently Board Chair and General Counsel for Resourceful Internet Solutions, Inc. (RIS), home to,, and other leading dispute resolution sites. During Jim's 25-year tenure,… MORE >

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