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Aotearoa New Zealand

I love this country. Some days it takes my breath away.

Like yesterday.

I was asked to help out a group of Maori in trouble.

They wanted to korero (speak) together and had invited me to their hui (gathering) to help.

I was manuhiri (a visitor) and when I arrived at the hui I was met by the tangata whenua (home people) and the kaumatua (elders of the tribe) and we proceeded to hongi (sharing of breath and pressing of noses)

We started with a mihi or whaikorero (welcome) followed by a karakia (prayer).

Then they turned it over to the skinny pakeha boy (not).

And guess what – our stuff works with their stuff.


Geoff Sharp

Geoff Sharp is a Commercial Mediator from Wellington, New Zealand. Geoff works in the Asia Pacific region, including New Zealand, Malaysia, Thailand and Pacific Islands. He is a mediator resolving business problems. He is a fellow of the International Academy of Mediators and mediates complex and hotly debated litigation covering… MORE >

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