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Michael Lang

For over 40 years Michael has mediated family, workplace and organizational disputes.

He has designed and presented introductory and advanced mediation and conflict management courses, workshops and webinars in the US and internationally.

Michael created one of the first graduate programs in conflict resolution in the US at Antioch University in 1992 and served in a similar role at Royal Roads University in Victoria, BC.

In addition to numerous published articles, Michael authored The Practitioners Guide to Reflective Practice in Conflict Resolution (2019), the second edition of which will be published in the fall, 2024, and co-authored The Making of a Mediator: Developing Artistry in Practice, (2000). As part of his long-time commitment to mediator excellence, Michael currently facilitates 7 monthly online reflective practice groups for mediators, with participants from around the world. With Susanne Terry, he founded and is co-director of The Reflective Practice Institute International.

Michael received the John Haynes Distinguished Mediator Award from ACR in 2012 and was named Outstanding Professional Family Mediator for 2020 by the Academy of Professional Family Mediators.

Articles by Michael Lang
